
Monthly Archives: December 2013

Dr Robert Davis, possessor of a brain the size of Zone 1, writer of a seminal work of the hazards of motor traffic, and the twisted thinking of “road safety” professionals, entitled “Death On The Streets”, explains the implications of the evidence from New Zealand, where helmets are compulsory for cyclists.

Road Danger Reduction Forum

Our post on the effects of the NZ cycle helmet law  has had more views than any other so far on . Prompted by this, below we:

(i)              Give fuller references to the evidence.

(ii)             Suggest the reason for the observed changes (particularly the apparent adverse effects on cyclist casualty rates).

(iii)              Look at helmet advocacy in the context of a car dominated “road safety” culture.

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Tom Demerly with advice for Specialized on managing the PR disaster that is Café Roubaix.


By Tom Demerly.



Thursday, 12 December, 2013. Addendum to this Story: 

On Thursday, December 12 Specialized Bicycles Founder Mike Sinyard traveled to Cafe Roubaix Bicycles to delivery a personal apology and retraction of legal threats against the retailer.  Read the complete story here.



Saturday, 7 December, 2013.

Bicycle mega-brand Specialized created controversy today when news of legal threats against a small, Canadian veteran-owned bicycle retailer surfaced in the Calgary Herald newspaper. The story reports that Specialized Bicycles has threatened legal action against Dan Richter, owner of Cafe Roubaix Bicycle Studio, for using the word “Roubaix” in the name of his business. “Roubaix” is a widely recognized word in cycling usage from the famous spring classic bicycle race, Paris-Roubaix. Specialized Bicycles also has a series of bicycles named Roubaix for which they own some naming rights.

The story has gained inertia on social media sites Facebook and…

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